Sometimes it is hard to give away a present you have bought from The Oak & Rope Company... You become attached to it the instant you see your commissioned piece.
We can engrave any artwork or handwriting on these bowls, but an old treasured recipe is by far our favourite. It makes our Mother’s or Grandmother’s signature pieces preserved for eternity... Simply seeing their handwriting engraved has a special meaning for those who recognise it from birthday cards. They themselves may not need remin
Sometimes it is hard to give away a present you have bought from The Oak & Rope Company... You become attached to it the instant you see your commissioned piece.
We can engrave any artwork or handwriting on these bowls, but an old treasured recipe is by far our favourite. It makes our Mother’s or Grandmother’s signature pieces preserved for eternity... Simply seeing their handwriting engraved has a special meaning for those who recognise it from birthday cards. They themselves may not need reminding of what goes into the family’s favourite treats, but they will enjoy serving them up on this practical tray. More importantly though, they will understand how much you love the traditions they have created for you and they will love knowing that they will not be lost in a notebook of scribbling. One day you may be able to pass these on to your own children!
Measurements: 23cm diameter
PS: Artwork can be sent to us by email in the form of a pdf to