No 2. Hand Print Desk Trays

Children's hands grow so fast, it is lovely to take a 'snapshot' of them and make them stay that size forever.

Unique Handprint Desk/Jewellery Trays

from £235

There is something utterly unique about what we can create here. Using an outline drawing of your child's hand(s) and scanned handwriting, we are not only able to freeze time, but we also turn them into somewhere useful for loose change, rings, cufflinks or other jewellery.

Our children sometimes tries to fit their bigger hands into their handprints, to see how much they have grown, and our youngest was so pleased the day he discovered that his hands had outgrown that of his older sister!

  1. Place your order on our website, selecting how many handprints you want and specify the edge engraving.
  2. Trace the outline of your child's hand using a sharpie or similar strong marker pen on a piece of A4 paper.
  3. Scan (not photograph as this alters the perspective) the piece of paper and email it or post it to The Oak & Rope Company, The Grainstore, Highland Court Farm, Bridge, Kent, CT4 5HW and mark it with your order number.

PS - Remember to get them to write their names too, as it is super cute to capture their handwriting at this point in time too!