
LOVE is a strong word...

Particularly when someone says 'I love you...' and you have not even asked!

So we don't ask... because it counts for much more if someone sneaks up on you and whispers those sweet words, or something to that effect.

We don't send you emails asking you to review us. But when somebody sends us a quick email, a photograph or even pick up the phone to tell the team that they love the product we have made, the customer service they have received and in general that they simply feel excited about giving an Oak & Rope piece as a present or to make it part of their home, then it brightens up our day. We print it out and pin it on the door between the workshop and studio for everybody to see. All 12 of us take pride in the little part we did to make that happen!

When the temperature in the workshop drops below comfortable, the working hours get longer and daylight hours sorter, in our busiest time before Christmas,

then that photograph of 10 grandchildren sitting on a Golden Wedding Anniversary bench keeps us going. We know the pieces we make add meaning wherever they go. The toddler sitting on one of our swings will go through life with childhood memories of being pushed on one of our swings.

Although there are people literally all over the world with a little piece of Oak & Rope in their lives, we are not looking to please everybody in the world... Only those who share our values and appreciate original, unique, practical and beautiful designs. Those who like to surround themselves with the things we make or to give thoughtful gifts to the people they love...

Thank you for letting us be part of your journey!

Click here to read some of the recent testimonials we have received...