Playing with words...
At school, English was my worst subject, and I was let go from my first job in England because of my language skills. I have long stopped beating myself up about not being able to take drinks orders from drunk people ordering ‘Spritzers’, and I am now simply in love with my new language!
I am however one of the worlds slowest readers both in English and in my mother tongue Norwegian and there is a standing joke in our family about how long it takes for me to finish a book. That does not stop me going to book shops buying new books! I am definitely more of a beginner… of new books, new skills or generally just any new ideas!
It is not through avid reading that I come up with ideas for engravings… It is simply through an appreciation for this beautiful language where the same few words can mean so many things. When we can carve the right words on the appropriate design, then I am very happy.
PS On an even more philosophical note: traditionally people are criticised for not being good ‘finishers’, but I’m thinking it is even more important to be a good beginner... When was the last time you did something for the first time?